Consider these suit colour coordination tips:

  1. Classic Navy or Charcoal:

   - Shirts: Lighter shades like white or light blue create a timeless look.

   - Ties: Opt for patterns or solid colours that complement the shirt. Burgundy or deep greens work well.

  1. Lighter Grays or Browns:

   - Shirts: Medium to dark tones, such as light pink or lavender, offer a balanced contrast.

   - Ties: Experiment with patterns and textures. A striped or paisley tie can add interest.

  1. Khaki or Beige:

   - Shirts: Crisp white or light blue shirts provide a clean look.

   - Ties: Earthy tones like forest green or mustard can complement the neutral base.

  1. Black Suit:

   - Shirts: White or light pastels maintain a classic elegance.

   - Ties: Stick to darker shades to avoid excessive contrast. Deep red or navy ties work well.

  1. Patterned Suits (Pinstripes, Checks):

   - Shirts: Solid-coloured shirts to balance the visual complexity of the suit.

   - Ties: Solid or subtly patterned ties that don't clash with the suit's pattern.

Remember to coordinate your accessories:

- Tie and Pocket Square: Complement, but avoid an exact match. A subtle pattern mix is stylish.

- Shoes and Belt: Match in colour; black shoes with a black belt, brown with brown. Keep the style consistent for a polished appearance.

Ultimately, personal style and the formality of the event play a role, so feel free to experiment while keeping a cohesive and balanced look in mind.

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